Wednesday, 18 September 2013


This is a list of things I'm currently doing, which I've decided to blog about once a month... The original idea came from RuKristin Papercrafts journalling prompts.

 I was heavily into Stargate SG-1, but now find myself not watching much of anything and focusing on my reading...

Had just finished the second book in the 'Slated' series by Teri Terry, called 'Fractured' - I can't wait for book 3! And Just started 'Ultraviolet' by RJ. Anderson, will read the sequel 'Quicksilver' when that is done. 

I generally just pop on and listen to their live Internet Radio of smooth pop tunes, new and old.

Peace with myself, in terms of my thoughts of not being good enough, or worthy of people. As well as making peace with the past, and people who had used me, treated me bad, and reinforced those bad thoughts/feelings and self doubt.

Accomplished. Optimistic. Determined.

An art canvas for my bedroom, and planning some day trips here in town, locally, for some fun times. 

My Life, my true friends, my family, my pets.. My Crafting, and blogging.

Also, this: 

I just love these Queenisms and the "Queen of your own life" website, blog, and facebook page.... 
Its so positive and empowering, and really helping me on my journey.

I hope you might join me blogging about your list of "Currently"... Do checkout my previous blog post to see my Mixed Media Bird Canvas I made!


brenda said...

A very thought provoking post Annmaree, thank you for sharing.

B x

MagsB said...

What a great post - thanks especially for 'Making' - I needed it today. (Why does Friend A always snipe at Friend B? Why the **** can people not just get along?????) Grrr!

love Mags B x

Unknown said...

Love your list and love those red shoes on the blog!!

May said...

Love this post Annmaree, very thought provoking..Love the new blog & the Red shoes... they are fantastic...Thank you for your visit... Hugs May x x x