Friday, 4 October 2013

Photo Friday - New Additions!

 Hi Friends it's Friday here, so its time for:

 I have some news to share along with some of my photos today, we have two new additions to our pet-family... Two Budgerigars or Budgies as we call them, often called Parakeets in other countries:

Laurel and Hardy

Laurel is the skinnier, brighter green one on the left, and the chubbier darker green one on the right is Hardy... Of course named after famous comedy duo. 

Long story short, we went into our Pet Supplies place, to get some more bird toys and feed... and I looked at the few birds they sell, cockatiels and parakeets... Usually I just look and continue on!

But I became taken watching a lovely bright green one playing so intensely with the toys in the cage, then noticed another chubby one making noise, like he was talking... Then noticed it bopping its head at me.... I watched them for ages, and finally snapped out of my hypnosis with them, getting what I came in for... But I couldn't get them out of my mind!

The next day I decided to take Mum to see them, and became smitten with them as well!
We watched how they interacted with eachother, and the other birds in the cage, and they were really sweet with eachother, and so playful!

We went back home and thought and thought... and we just couldn't get them out of our minds!

So we had to get them today! 

They came home, and they have been so active, cheerful and loving:

 Look at them grooming one another! Its the sweetest thing to witness! 

I am quickly becoming a crazy bird lady, absolutely loving my feathered friends! This brings our bird-count to 4, and a total of 5 overall pets...

1 Galah, 1 Cockatiel, 2 Budiges, and 1 Cat.... You would think it would be a recipe for disaster! But the cat is very good at keeping away from the "bird room" and we tell him "no" when he does come in the room (supervised), so he knows they are not "prey".

So they are settling in beautifully here, and I just love them!

Hope you liked seeing them, too!

Here are some other photos from my week:

This was a bird on our roof, I believe its a type of Heron bird.

 and here are two Spotted Dove Pigeons that we get coming into our yard, 
making use of the birdbath we put in:

Here are some pics of a wild Mulberry tree we came across during one of our walks -

Cool berries:

and some other tree, which I just loved the branches of:

and a cool Philodendron plants leaves:

So that's it for this weeks Photo Friday, I hope you liked seeing my pics, and meeting my two new feathered friends!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


Shirley-Anne said...

Hi Annmaree. Thanks for your visit and comment .
Fabulous photos. Love it when you share ordinary life tit bits with us in blog land . Reminds me that we do have a life beyond our craft hobby . Enjoy your weekend too .
huge hugs Shirley-Anne

May said...

Hi Annmaree, I Love Laurel & hardy... I can see why they had to go home with you... they are so cute... Beautiful post... full of wonderful photos... you too have a great weekend... Hugs May x x x

MagsB said...

Laurel and Hardy are so sweet! I'm loving your pix of them on Facebook. Your photos are so good!

love Mags B x

Tracy said...

oh my Di used to have a budgie..pretty happy chirpy birds..helloooo to laurel and hardy! xxx