Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Bleeding Heart - Mixed Media Page

Hello friends, wow these days and weeks are speeding by! Can you believe it is just a week until Christmas? 7 Sleeps! EEP!! That really came up fast.

Well, I mean't to post this page on Monday for my Mixed Media Monday post, but that lapsed with me being busy here. So here it is now:

So to start off with I stuck down some round reinforcement stickers, then got out my circle lattice stencil and some texture/modelling paste and went over it to give some neat texture. 

When it dried I spritz it with some Dylusions sprays. 

I cut the heart out of some canvas paper, and spritz that with more Dylusions, in a contrasting colour, and stuck it down. Then went around the whole thing with some black india ink!
 It ran a bit, so I decided to go with it, and let it run and drop some more. Which brought me to look for a quote to match. The piece sort of came out dark and moody, so the quote seemed to fit that. I just used a regular dymo embossing labeller for my quote.

The finaly step was to add splatters of india ink. And I also went over the piece with a heart stencil and a paintstik.

So something a bit dark, but Art Journalling is great therapy to get out these type of emotions, I feel. 

I will be back before Christmas to wish you well.

Thanks for stopping by xoxo


DYMO Support said...

That looks great! We do love the combination of colors and the message with the Dymo Label Maker was a great idea! Keep up with the good work ^CP

Merry said...

Wonderful work Annmaree...terrific colours. This modeling paste seems to be turning up everywhere and always looks so effective. I am thinking that will be something for me to try in the new year.

May said...

Fabulous page Annmaree, Love the colours & the background is amazing..the heart & quote are it!! Merry Christmas & A blessed 2014 to you & your lovely family.. Hugs May x x x

Unknown said...

I can so relate to that quote. Love your canvas gorgeous!! Love all the details!!